Pixi is a new iPhone/iPod Touch app from Tiny Wonder Studios that they describe as “music to your eyes.” It definitely is a visual app, but it is infinitely deeper than that because you can control what you see. I find it difficult to describe Pixi in any way other than a new-age spirograph. However, if you aren’t old enough to remember that art toy, then this description does little for you. So think animated spiraling shapes in different colors that you can change using the touch screen interface on your iPhone.
Pixi begins with a default screen featuring a black background and a simple spiraling circle.
By applying touch and pinch gestures, you can begin to change the shape into others, which will vary depending on how you manipulate your gestures. For instance, one finger touches versus two fingers will each create a different effect. There are six different modes of “editing,” if you will, available to change the image’s color, background and to add special effects, as well as a save feature and a help button.
When you mess up or want to start over, you shake your device and it returns to the default screen.
For the hopelessly creative who love to explore color and shape and such, Pixi may prove to be a very entertaining app. Saving images in the gallery allows you to revisit and show off your favorite designs and while you can save an image to set as wallpaper, it won’t be animated.
Pixi does make a pretty neat use of the touch screen and it does have incredibly detailed instructions, but other than having something cool to look at in the dark, I’m unable to discern what else you would really do with it. If you’re super creative or really enjoyed spirographs as a kid, you may very well appreciate Pixi.