GPS based social networking is not really a new thing (think 4 Square and Facebook check-ins), but it’s a growing trend that existing and future social networking platforms alike will evolve in their own ways. An example of a new app built on GPS-based social networking is Shy Breaker. Born out of the developer’s self-described “lack of game,” Shy Breaker is a way for users to leave anonymous notes for other users and provides “a second chance to connect for the first time.”
The premise of Shy Breaker is the ability to leave messages for others to read when situations warrant reaching out, but approaching is out of the question. Interestingly enough, Shy Breaker is being marketed as a combination of anonymous location-based networking with a dating site undertone. However, as far as potential, pretty much anything goes when using a social networking platform with a large enough user base. Currently, it’s the user base that limits Shy Breaker.
As a newer app, Shy Breaker hasn’t had time to reach any masses and while every social networking platform has experienced its infancy stage, a user base is vital to the purpose. When running Shy Breaker through a battery of tests, all I could uncover was three users east of the Mississippi with notes posted in the two weeks prior to download. Coincidentally, one user left a note merely wishing for more users in their home state.
The advantages of using Shy Breaker, were there other users on board, include the ability to engage in a private conversation through in-box messaging in reply to any posted note. Though all posted notes are viewable by all users, replies are sent to the poster’s inbox. Another advantage is the ability to create a note and customize both the time and location you drop said note. So if you have plans to be out on the town a week from Friday and want to tell other users where you’ll be and that you’re available, it’s simple enough to do.

More to Come for Shy Breaker Social Networking

With a large user base scattered across a limited geographic region, Shy Breaker could be fun to use – and not just for dropping anonymous pick up lines because you’re too shy to approach a real person. I suspect the Shy Breaker user base will begin to grow exponentially once the free version becomes available, hopefully this week or next. The free app will be ad-supported, but will launch together with an update to the paid version of Shy Breaker with a host of new features.
According to the developer, the next update will offer users the ability to upload a photo avatar, link to their Twitter and Facebook profiles, post public comments on notes, post notes anonymously (without their username), and feature a new and improved inbox.
Shy Breaker Demo Video
If you’re interested in location-based social networking using GPS and want to see how Shy Breaker works, check out the video: