Inspired by Mike Arrington’s post on Web Apps he can’t live without, here is my list of iPhone apps that I use on a daily basis. This is not the same list as “best apps”, it doesn’t for example include games and other apps that I enjoy from time to time. These are the apps that I use every day or nearly every day, and that I would sorely miss if they disappeared.
1. ZenBe Lists. I use Zenbe daily to keep track of my to-do list. I access it now mainly over the iPhone, but the website is also excellent. I especially like the idea of managing multiple to-do lists on the phone.
2. NetNewsWire. These days, almost all the news I ingest is via this NewsGator iPhone app. Originally addicted to Google Reader, I recently switched over to NewsGator for iPhone support. I actually find parsing through my feed list is more efficient on the iPhone than on the web.
3. Twinkle. I love Twinkle a little less than when I originally reviewed it (the star motif is getting very very old), but I still use it as my Twitter client. I’m definitely still open to alternatives though…
4. Facebook. I now use the Facebook app versus the website almost exclusively. But for me at least Facebook and Twitter are now almost the same programs — checking on the overall friend feed.
5. Shazam. I find myself using Shazam almost daily to identify songs on the car radio. This app is simply brilliant.
6. Pandora. While I do like LastFM, I keep on coming back to Pandora for music discovery. I also find it great for parties. Choose a channel and let Pandora be the DJ.
7. Bloomberg. For stock market and business news, Bloomberg is the king. The app is zippy and good-looking, and the charts are great.
8. AOL Instant Messenger. I dislike AOL and everything the company represents, but I still need to use AIM as an instant messenger. The iPhone app works just great.
9. Movies. I had to throw this one in there. I really love the movies app by Flixster. I don’t use it every day, but I find it incredibly convenient for looking up showtimes and watching trailers.
10. Calendar. Ok, well it comes with the iPhone, but it really has changed my life. With MobileMe, my calendar is always up to date. I now manage my schedule on my iPhone, not on the web or the desktop.